
Updates to Biomedical Research Site SOPs

TMG has completed updates to their Biomedical Research Site SOPs, reflecting changes described in the Integrated Addendum to ICH GCP E6(R2), that was released in November 2016. These updates have been communicated to all TMG investigative sites. In December 2016, the regulatory authority for the European Community, the EMA, announced that they have adopted the [...]

2017-06-02T13:41:30-04:00January 25th, 2017|

Update on the 16th Clinical Trials in Canada Summit held October 5 –6, 2016

Lively discussions ensued at the recent Clinical Trials in Canada Summit. During the panel discussion on ‘Keeping Investigators Interested’, John Akitt shared some interesting metrics on contract negotiation and site payment timelines. Looking at a total of 58 negotiations over the last 2 years, contracts spent an average of 3 times longer (24 days) being [...]

2017-02-02T15:39:51-05:00October 12th, 2016|

TMG Presenting at the Upcoming 16th Clinical Trials in Canada Summit

John Akitt, President of TMG, will be co-hosting a panel discussion at the upcoming 16th Clinical Trials in Canada Summit to be held October 5 – 6 at the Old Mill in Toronto. This year’s theme is ‘Innovation’, looking at technologies and strategies that will help Canada to successfully compete for clinical research. John and [...]

2017-02-02T15:39:04-05:00September 7th, 2016|

TMG Biomedical Research Site SOP Release

TMG is very pleased to announce the issuance of our most recent update to the TMG Biomedical Research Site Standard Operating Procedures on May 17, 2016, with an implementation date of June 17th. Our goals in updating the SOPs are as follows: To provide TMG sites with tools that will help them to perform [...]

2016-05-16T10:34:12-04:00May 16th, 2016|

TMG Training Meets TransCelerate Minimum Criteria to Enable Mutual Recognition

Joanne Morris, Clinical Research Quality Manager at TMG, is pleased to announce that our investigator GCP training, ''ICH GCP Principles and Part C, Division 5 of the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations as Described in the TMG Biomedical Research Site SOPs'' now meets the Minimum Criteria for ICH GCP Investigator Site Personnel Training identified by [...]

2014-06-18T20:41:02-04:00June 18th, 2014|

ACCESS Flu Study Accepted for Presentation at IUMS 2014

As a follow up to news of the acceptance of FOCUS as a poster presentation at the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) Congress, TMG Research (representing the study design and execution capabilities of TMG) is pleased to announce that the ACCESS Flu Study abstract has also been accepted as a poster presentation at [...]

2014-05-18T20:41:54-04:00May 18th, 2014|

FOCUS Cognitive Flu Study Accepted for Presentation at IUMS 2014

John C. Akitt, President of Trial Management Group Inc., is pleased to announce the acceptance of the FOCUS Cognitive Flu Study abstract as a poster presentation at the International Union of Microbiological Societies Congress in Montreal, July 27 - August 1, 2014. The FOCUS study, "Effect of Oseltamivir Treatment on Cognitive and Mood Decrements [...]

2014-04-18T20:42:20-04:00April 18th, 2014|
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